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Hi visitor,
Landing on this page, you're entitled to wonder: why on earth is it so empty?
I"m ramping-up on live performances over the coming months, and hope to have this page well-populated as clips and dates accumulate.
Before I prioritised commission work, songwriting, technology/research, and teaching (around 2015), I gave many thousands of live performances, including appearances at several festivals, and a mix of larger and more intimate venues - solo, leading a group, and as a group member.
My bad habit of rarely filming these, alongside the advancement of my current live setup, has meant that I'm much more eager to post new clips here, rather than combing through the leftovers.
I'm excited to share new clips and dates with you here as soon as possible. Whether you're a potential collaborator, fellow musician, or just a fellow music lover, thank you for visiting and taking an interest!